Vanilla Stabilizer, MP Soap
Flashpoint: 200°
Vanilla Content: 0.00%
Phthalates: None
Prevents the vanilla in fragrance oils from turning melt and pour soap formulations brown. It will not prevent color changes due to ingredients other than vanilla.
Must use in a well ventilated area.
Why People Use This Product:
To prevent fragrance oils containing vanilla (vanillin) from turning MP Soap Base brown.
Popular Products that use this ingredient:MP Soap
Interesting Facts:
Prevents the vanilla in fragrance oils from turning formulations brown. It will not prevent color changes due to ingredients other than vanilla. Must use in a well ventilated area.
Physical Form: Clear Liquid
Solubility: Soluble in Water
Storage: Room temperature. Air tight container.
Best Used By: One year from date of purchase.
Shelf Life Once Used in Manufacturing: One year from manufacturing date.
Do not ingest. For external use only. Excessive exposure will cause skin to tingle. Keep out of eyes. Use in well ventilated room. Do not directly inhale.